minor in arts management (24 credits)
Learning Outcomes for Arts Management
Upon completion of the minor, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of arts organizations and venues, how they are managed, and their relevance within the larger community. 2. Demonstrate awareness of the role and responsibilities of the manager within arts organizations and/or venues and within the larger cultural and social context. 3. Explain and respond to the challenges faced by arts managers and arts organizations in the areas of organization, promotion, funding and legal issues *Please note: Arts Management minors interested in applying for Carroll's MBA program should choose ACC 205 (an elective below) and plan to take CMP112. Courses required for the minor: -BUS301: Principles of Marketing (4 hours) -BUS302: Principles of Management (4 hours) -ECON124: Microeconomics (4 hours)* -THE260: Introduction to Arts Management (4 hours) One of the following: -ART213: Themes in Art History (4 hours) -ART215: History of Photography (4 hours) -MUS151: History of Jazz (4 Hours) -MUS156: Classical Music (4 hours) -MUS158: History of Rock (4 Hours) -THE101: Introduction to Theatre Arts (4 Hours) -THE217: Theatre History’s Impact on Society from Antiquity to the Present (4 hours) One of the following: -ACC205: Financial Accounting (4 hours)* -BUS265: HR Management (4 hours) -BUS304: Principles of Finance (4 hours) -COM203: Advertising (4 hours) -COM208: Introduction to Public Relations (4 hours) -ECON225: Macroeconomics (4 hours) -ENG230: Grant Writing (4 hours) -LEA190: Leadership and Personal Effectiveness (4 hours) -LEA302: Leadership Theory and Practice (4 hours) |